Terms & Conditions

Please read the following terms and conditions carefully before registering, accessing, browsing, downloading or using the Site (defined below). By accessing or using the Site or by using the Service (defined below), you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions set forth below including any additional guidelines and future modifications. If at any time you do not agree to these terms and conditions or do not wish to be bound by these terms and conditions, you may not access or use the site and immediately terminate your use of the services. Your Agreement to these Terms and Conditions for availing Service the Terms and Conditions (as may be amended from time to time, the “Agreement”) is a legal contract between you being, an individual customer, user, or beneficiary of this service of at least 18 years of age. Here you can get online Doctors appointment, book bed at any Nursing home, and ambulance service. The Website should not be used in cases of medical emergencies and HELLODOKKAPP does not, and should not be considered in any form to be a substitute for a doctor or a hospital. We encourage you to independently verify any information you see on the Website with respect to a doctor or health care provider that you seek to make an appointment with. l. Registration


If you wish to schedule an appointment with a doctor or conduct a transaction on the Website, you will have register on the Website and become a registered user (“HELLODOKKAPP User”) prior to the completion of any transaction on the Website.

To register onto the Website, a user will have to provide information such as his/her name, email address and phone number and create a user name and password.

You understand that HELLODOKKAPP may introduce a fee for registration on the Website (“Registration Fees”). Registration Fees, if and when introduced shall be non-refundable. HELLODOKKAPP may introduce special features which may be made available to HELLODOKKAPP Users who pay Registration Fees.

Registration is only a one-time process and if the HELLODOKKAPP User has been previously registered, s/he shall login / sign into his / her account using the same credentials as provided during the registration process. We request you to please safeguard your password to your account on the Website and make sure that others do not have access to it. It is your responsibility to keep your account information current.

A HELLODOKKAPP User may wish to schedule an appointment through his/her account for his/her family members and friends. While a HELLODOKKAPP User will be able to do, please note that such HELLODOKKAPP User will be responsible for any activity that is undertaken through his/her account on behalf of his/her family members and friends.

Interaction on the Website

You understand and agree that any interactions and associated issues with the doctors on the Website including but not limited to the medical outcomes and service issues, is strictly between you and the doctors. You shall not hold HELLODOKKAPP responsible for any such interactions and associated issues. HELLODOKKAPP is not involved in the providing any healthcare or medical advice or diagnosis and hence is not responsible for any outcome between you and the doctor you interact with.

If you decide to engage with a doctor to provide medical services to you, you do so at your own risk. The results of any search you perform on the Website for doctors, or provision of access to any healthcare professional or doctor on the basis of your specific request, should not be construed as endorsement by this Website of any such particular doctor. HELLODOKKAPP shall not be responsible for any breach of service or service deficiency by any doctor or health care provider. We cannot assure that all transactions will be completed nor do we guarantee the ability or intent of doctors or other health care providers to fulfil their obligations in any transaction. We advise you to perform your own investigation prior to selecting a doctor or a health care provider.

Third Party Services

You understand that third party services may be made available by the Company on the Website. For example, you may be able find or book an ambulance or schedule a home visit by a doctor through the Website.

Please note that in the event you choose to avail any such third party services that are made available on the Website, you will be absolutely and solely responsible for your interactions with such third party service providers. HELLODOKKAPP shall not be held responsible for any lapses, shortcomings or deficiency of services by such third-party service providers to you. HELLODOKKAPP hereby does not endorse the services of any third-party service providers that are made available on the Website.

Information Uploaded by You on the Website

You understand that you may have the option of uploading your health / medical information on the Website in order to enable your doctor access your previous medical history. While HELLODOKKAPP takes utmost care with respect to the security of the information you decide to upload, you understand that any information that you disclose on the Website is at your own risk. By uploading / sharing / disclosing your medical information on the Website, you hereby give your consent to HELLODOKKAPP to store such health / medical information on Aceso healthApp  servers. HELLODOKKAPP will retain such medical / health information you upload on the Website for as long as it is needed to fulfil the service you seek to avail on the Website. If you delete your account, HELLODOKKAPP will delete such medical / health information. But please note:

  1. There might be some latency in deleting this information from our servers and back-up storage; and
  2. We may retain this information if necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, or enforce our agreements.

Sharing of Information Uploaded by You on the Website

Unless you specifically consent to share information, medical or otherwise, with either doctors or third-party service providers, Aceso healthApp not share such information that you upload on the Website. While HELLODOKKAPP takes utmost care with respect to the security of the information you decide to share, you understand that any information that you disclose on the Website is at your own risk. In the event you do not trust HELLODOKKAPP with such information, please do not share such information on the Website. While HELLODOKKAPP endeavours to protect any information uploaded or shared by you on the Website, you understand that HELLODOKKAPP shall not be held liable or responsible for the loss or damage to such information on the Website. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have all your information, medical or otherwise, stored on your hard drive. You hereby agree not to use the Website as a “data room” to store your medical / health records.

SMS Messages Received From the Website

You understand that once you register as a HELLODOKKAPP User on the Website, you will receive SMS messages from HELLODOKKAPP on your registered mobile number. These messages could relate to your registration, transactions that you carry out through the Website and promotions that are undertaken by Aceso healthApp

Please note that HELLODOKKAPP will send these SMS messages only to the registered mobile number or such other number that you may designate for any particular transaction. It is your responsibility to ensure that you provide the correct number for the transaction you wish to enter. Further, HELLODOKKAPP may also send notifications and reminders to you with respect to appointments scheduled by you for the Services that you have subscribed to on the Website. Please note that while HELLODOKKAPP endeavours to provide these notifications and reminders to you promptly, HELLODOKKAPP does not provide any guarantee and shall not be held liable or responsible for the failure to send such notifications or reminders to you. It is your responsibility to ensure that you attend any appointments that you may schedule with a doctor or a health care provider through the Website.

No Doctor – Patient Relationship

Please note that some of the content, text, data, graphics, images, information, suggestions, guidance, and other material (collectively, “Information”) that may be available on the Website (including information provided in direct response to your questions or postings) may be provided by individuals in the medical profession. The provision of such Information does not create a licensed medical professional/patient relationship, between HELLODOKKAPP and you and does not constitute an opinion, medical advice, or diagnosis or treatment of any particular condition, but is only provided to assist you with locating appropriate medical care from a qualified practitioner.

We make no guarantees, representations or warranties, whether expressed or implied, with respect to professional qualifications, quality of work, expertise or other information provided on the website. We do not in any way endorse any individual described herein. In no event shall we be liable to you or anyone else for any decision made or action taken by you in reliance on such information.

By Using This Website You Represent And Warrant That

1. You are 18 years of age or older and that your use of the Website shall not violate any applicable law or regulation;
2. All registration information you submit is truthful and accurate and that you agree to maintain the accuracy of such information;
3. Your registration on the Website is solely for your personal and non-commercial use. Any use of this Website or its content other than for personal purposes is prohibited.
4. Your personal and non-commercial use of this Website shall be subjected to the following restrictions:

  • you may not modify any content of the Website;
  • you may not remove any copyright, trademark registration, or other proprietary notices from the Website. You further agree not to access or use this Website in any manner that may be harmful to the operation of this Website or its content.

5. You will not:

You will not post, submit, upload, distribute, or otherwise transmit or make available any software or other computer files that contain a virus or other harmful component, or otherwise impair or damage the Website and / or Services or any connected network, or otherwise interfere with any person or entity’s use or enjoyment of the Website and / or the Services. You will not engage in any form of antisocial, disrupting, or destructive acts, including “flaming”, “spamming, flooding, trolling, phishing” and “grieving” as those terms are commonly understood and used on the Internet.

  1. You will not delete or modify any content of the Website and / or Services, including but not limited to, legal notices, disclaimers or proprietary notices such as copyright or trademark symbols, logos, that you do not own or have express permission to modify.
  2. The Company cannot and will not assure you that other HELLODOKKAPP Users are or will be complying with the foregoing rules or any other provisions of these Terms of Use, and, as between you and the Company, you hereby assume all risk of harm or injury resulting from any such lack of compliance.
  3. All information, content and material contained in the Website and / or Services are the Company’s intellectual property. All trademarks, services marks, trade names, and trade dress are proprietary to the Company. No information, content or material from the Website and / or Services may be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted or distributed in any way without the Company’s express written permission.

You acknowledge that when you access a link that leaves the Website, the site you will enter into is not controlled by the Company and different terms of use and privacy policies may apply. By accessing links to other sites, you acknowledge that the Company is not responsible for those sites. The Company reserves the right to disable links from third-party sites to the Website, although the Company is under no obligation to do so.

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